Sunday, March 13, 2011


THE CORPORATE MINDSET- people, the individual, are expendable! Use people until you use them up then send them packing with a very small token of appreciation. Education is not the same as the software industry and cannot be treated as such. We do not want people from third world/other counties teaching our children. After years of dedication, working for little money and spending their own money on needed school supplies, Ms Gates suggests giving dedicated older teachers a swift kick in the behind. Getting rid of tenured college professors who have big paychecks and viable retirement funds is fine. What are low paid primary and secondary teachers supposed to do after getting canned? Particularly public school teachers who have put up with raising America's rude children for years. They should receive pro sports level paychecks. Our values are out of whack.

Microsoft receives colossal benefits from placing software in the educational system. This does not give them the right to input. If anything it should exclude their input due to conflict of interest. What is happening here? Are we privatizing our public schools and libraries?